Friday, August 15, 2008


Welcome to my Blog, this is my first and I am feeling very enthusiastic about the opportunities, which this affords both me and the worldwide online community.

It is my hope that by posting and sharing information online, a greater understanding and ability may be achieved by myself and those who share this online experience.

The purpose of this Blog is to promote effective and efficient administration in the conduct of educational and business endeavors by discussion and sharing strategies, tactics, and principles employed in the pursuit of continuous improvement and related results achieved.

Please stop by often and feel free to agree and disagree, but most importantly, to share, learn, and evolve in today's ever increasing technology centered operating environment.

Thanks and Best Regards,



Jen & Craig said...

Interesting concept with lots of merit. I look forward to finding out what others think about this.

MPG said...

A new concept for me, but apparently a fantastic resource.


Don Yokum said...

Hope you've set up an internal filtration system to identify and separate out the inevitable swill and garbage that will come your way. Opening yourself via an internet blog always attracts the attention of kooks and crazies who have nothing better to do than to deconstruct and destroy the work of their betters. Buon fortuna, amico!

Mike T. said...

Being a suspicious person, I would agree with DYOKUM that the possibility of a swarm of malicious responses mixed in with legitimate ones may require significant effort to weed out the chaff...some good may come of this. Trust, but verify. Buena suerte, amigo.