Saturday, August 16, 2008

Blogging for Communication in Education and Business

There was a saying I once heard in the Marine Corps about effective communication. It said that it took an act of Congress to make a General, but it took effective communications to make him or her a Commanding General.

I have seen over and over again the success or failure of some project or activity either in an academic or business invironment. Communication in this fast paced world is crucial for correct performance, but also crucial for competative performance relative to the world marketplace. That is why I consider effective communication so essential in my corporate and educational endeavors.

Effective communication generates so much more value to any process by enabling efforts to focused on the task at hand. This is crucial in collaborative activities in a team oriented environment or interactions with outside stakeholders such as customers for example.

The use of technology greatly facilitates communication. The speed alone of the communication employed is not the the only determining factor on how effective the communication is, but an additional element of consideration is the content. Instant or text messages travel at the speed of light, but instant communication can be poor communication if it is unclear or incorrect. Technology alone is not a sole determinant of effective communication, but it can be used as a tool facilitate communicative efforts to further the efforts undertaken.

Methods of communication utilizing today's technology vary. A blog such as this can be used to share information and viewpoints. A 360 degree view sometimes provides perspective not fully realized or appreciated unless the discussion of the issue is undertaken. Each new entry is a new layer of thought, and more and more interactions produce greater stimulation of the subject.


1 comment:

Wayne said...

We in business and education need to get the word OUT and our customers need to get the word IN. A blog is a good tool for that.